Friday, July 30, 2010

Nardwuar vs. Drake (Interview)

You Better Already Know

The person I’m talking about in the “you better already know” is not Drake (sorry Abbie) but rather the interviewer Nardwuar. Being that most of you are music enthusiasts like myself, I’m sure a lot fo you have already watched all of his interviews (as you should) and in that case here is just the most recent one which was posted yesterday and I spotted at our friends over at TheMaskedGorilla (btw our partnership officially starts next week . . . get excited). If you don’t know Nardwuar you need to clear about 2 hours of your night and watch all of his interviews. This guy is like no other, he does the most extensive research – beyond extensive, to a creepy level actually – on these artists and has them speechless. Two of my personal favorite where with Nas and with N.E.R.D. (hit the jump to watch them) in which they were literally in shock during. If you guys have followed this site for awhile you know I never post interviews (besides our own) so hopefully you realize how impressive I think these are. Enjoy . . .

Interview with Nas



Interview with N.E.R.D.

Filed under: Hip-Hop