Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tha Pumpsta - Octopus Armed

Octopus Armed
By Tha Pumpsta
Album: Bass Black Treble White
Label: Milk The Beef
Genre: goof hop
Tags: goofy, hip hop
Download : MP3 Audio

The Pumpsta pumps out the goof hop with a greasy mouth full of chicken-fried irony and ridiculousness. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. But you do see he has love for this -- and a certain talent...

Pumpsta: "I love life, people, and music... Besides the recorder, my first 'real' instrument was the trumpet in middle school. I was your typical overweight nerd who knew every word to “Whoop There It Is” by Tag Team (there is a cover of it on Bass Black Treble White.)'